۱۳۹۲ شهریور ۵, سه‌شنبه

Chahkooh valley

Chahkooh valley

100 km to the North-West of Qeshm Island is another interesting site which is fantastic to see. The beautiful Chahkooh Valley has a depth of 100m and is a wonderful display of nature shaping sedimentary rocks into unique statues and cavities through erosion.

Stars valley

Stars valley

Do you want to touch the stars? OK, let’s go to stars valley. Stars valley which is named after a fallen star by local people, is one of the most beautiful displays of erosion on the vast island of Qeshm.
Stars Valley site is made up of soft sediment layers, erosion mechanisms and weathering. On the other hand, emergence of masses like needle columns, vertical walls, bridges, and various cavities have added to its natural attraction. As a result of the softness of the various layers forming these natural shapes, it is not unheard of for the overall shape of the area to slightly vary after rainfall.
Although this site is located out of the Qeshm Geo-park area, considering the region’s uniqueness and its specific Geo-morphological structure, it is affirmed by UNESCO as one of the main sites of the Geo-park.

۱۳۹۲ شهریور ۴, دوشنبه



If you want to walk on the clouds, Javaherdasht is your destination. A nice village close to Samamus mountain, near to Kalachay and adjacent to the Caspian sea. Pleasant weather, undiscovered sites and hiking on the beautiful Samamus mountain are gifts which Javaherdasht offers to travelers.

Jashk mountain or Jashk salt dome

Jashk mountain or Jashk salt dome

Midway between the towns of Deyr and Dashti in Bushehr province, is situated one of the biggest, most active, and beautiful salt domes in Iran and the Middle East. The most significant features which differentiate this salt dome from similar ones elsewhere are its unique caves, waterfalls and crystals, etc.

Esteel lagoon

Estil lagoon

This lagoon is one of the nicest tourist attractions in Iran, located 7 km from Astara near the Rasht to Astara road. Being close to the road, varied natural beauty spots, lush farms and jungles all around, make this lagoon all the more pleasant. The Western side of the lagoon is covered by trees and verdant plants. On the Eastern side, floating trees have created a notable landscape which becomes an outstanding retreat in Spring and Summer for travelers. One of its most important aspects is existence of famous fishes like carp and “duck fish” (Northern pike). It is also noted for rare species of birds which fly in from Central Europe, from beyond the Caspian sea, and even from the polar zones, to breed. Being located between the road and Espinas mountain, and adjacent to an international hotel, make this marshy environment a relaxing place for travelers and visitors to rest.